Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Kind of Mother I Want to Be

The first few months of motherhood have been the busiest, most hectic time in my life.  I run errands, go to doctor's appointments, feed the baby, change diapers, do laundry, make dinner, clean the house, go to play group, try to sleep, etc.  However, I have a lot of time for reflection in those quiet hours spent nursing Carter in the middle of the night.  The question I often revisit is:  What kind of mother do I want to be?

I want to be the kind of mother who . . . 

        keeps a clean house, while remembering that childhood is tragically fleeting and those dishes and laundry will wait.

        makes holidays feel magical, celebrating with contagious enthusiasm.

        sings, dances, and laughs a lot.

        insists on manners:  please, thank you, ma'am, sir, and the art of the thank you note.

        always has time to listen to everything that her children want to tell her and makes them feel understood.

        makes her kids feel special, but teaches them to share and consider the feelings of others.

        lives in the moment and isn't constantly checking her phone/internet/facebook.

        cooks healthful meals for her family but doesn't sweat the occasional ice cream cone for dinner.  It happens.

        takes care of herself.  Whether that means yoga, a run, a haircut, or taking 5 minutes to throw on some make up, it's important.

        acts as an example of compassion and tolerance.
        encourages imaginative thinking and coloring outside the lines.

        reads lot of books to her little ones.

        teaches her children the value of a dollar and the importance of hard work.

        builds confidence and a strong sense of self.

        fosters a sense of thankfulness in little hearts.

What are some other important qualities in a mother?

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see a mother take initiative/involvement in their child's life. You said a lot of what I would say, and make memory boxes, photos etc.
